Mr.Gray at Great Lakes Illinois on graduation day of basic training
Mr. Gray joined the US Navy at the age of 17 and began a career that led him through a diverse list of specialties. He attended boot camp and advanced training at Great Lakes Recruit Training Command in Illinois. From there, he traveled to Coronado, CA to attend SWCC (Special Warfare Combat Crewman) training with class 036. After graduation, Mr. Gray was assigned to Special Boat Team Twenty at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek located in Va. Beach, VA. While at SBT-20, Mr. Gray was sent to several schools for advanced training. A few of these schools would be Basic Airborne School located at Ft. Benning, Ga. and Military Free Fall training located at Ft. Bragg North Carolina. Mr. Gray was then assigned to an MCADS (Maritime Craft Aerial Delivery System) detachment within SBT-20. Shortly after he was assigned a Top-Secret/SCI clearance and sent to Dam Neck Annex to attend NSWIC (Naval Special Warfare Intelligence Course) which is historically held for officers and senior enlisted. There Mr. Gray earned the NSW NEC of 3912, Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Intelligence Specialist. After an arduous workup cycle, Mr. Gray deployed with Naval Special Warfare Squadron (NSWRON 8). After his first deployment Mr. Gray traveled back to Ft. Benning, Ga. to attended Pre-Ranger training and RANGER school. He earned his Ranger tab with class 08-03. After completing 2 MCADS deployments with SBT-20, Mr. Gray then transferred to Naval Amphibious Base Coronado and was assigned to Special Boat Team 12 and would go on to complete 2 additional combat deployments. He transferred from an active unit to a reserve unit in 2006.
JSOTF-P photo of Mr Gray training Philippine NAVSOG on heavy weapons
Mr Gray at NSWU2 in Stuttgart Germany deployed ISO of OEF 2002
Mr. Gray joined the Texas Army National Guard /19th Special Forces Group after his time in the US Navy. Mr. Gray completed SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection) and was “SELECTED.” In 2011 while Mr. Gray was employed with the CIA he was recalled to Active Duty on orders with 19th SFG. While on JTFX Foal Eagle with 19th group, Mr. Gray was involved in CH-47 helicopter crash in Korea. The accident severely disabled Mr. Gray and he spent 4 yrs in the warrior transition unit recovering after multiple surgeries. In 2015 Mr. Gray retired from the US Army at 100% disability. He now spends his time assisting other Veterans through the transition process.
Casey during a surgical procedure.